‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’
(G) +977 9813789600
(I) +977 9803840799
(R) +977 9851089412
Here we are:
Swara Retreat
Astam, Kaski
33700 Nepal
How to get here:
If flying from abroad, it is best to fly into Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu. From Kathmandu, you have 2 options to get to Swara.
You can take a short 25 minutes domestic flight to Pokhara Airport. Pokhara is the second largest city in Nepal and is 17km away from Astam village (45 minutes drive).
Alternatively, if you have time and a spirit of adventure, take an overland journey with a private vehicle or bus to Pokhara. Take note however that there may be road works, hence the average ride could take about 7-9 hours.
From Pokhara, we can assist you to Swara.